Goethes Erben support The Arch De Casino St Niklaas sunday 11 may 2025

by photosindarkness

A happy reunion with this band.
Exclusive gig for Belgium in 2025!

This German experimental, avant-garde gothic/dark-wave band around Oswald Henke is a maverick with an unforgettable and theatrical stage act.
Welcome to the dark and immersive world of GOETHES ERBEN!

They have been making their experimental music since the mid-1990s.
This is no ordinary concert, this is musical theater!
They never let themselves be pinned down: anything is possible between noisy industrial and delicate string sounds, electronics or piano miniatures.
Their lyrics have lost nothing of their impact and bitterness even after decades. On the contrary, many a sentence is more topical than ever. Either way, concertgoers can expect a roller coaster of emotions because GOETHES ERBEN always leaves an emotional impression on many of their loyal fans.

Belgium’s THE ARCH will play as support.
The Arch was formed in the summer of 1986 by four friends who were totally into new-wave and dark-wave.
They soon attracted the attention of the label Body records (Dirk Ivens) and later Anything But Records and Play It Again Sam. Underground hits “Babsi ist Tot” and “Ribdancer” are among the Bel-wave classics ! Their original sound is a combination of solid guitar parts and electronics on pumping beats, with a layer of dark melancholy.

Tickets and Info 

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